We are able to provide the full Comprehensive Evaluations for Children, Adolescents and Adults remotely through Telehealth (858-481-4988). If you are interested in having your evaluation in person, please let us know once you schedule your appointment online.

About the ADHD Center for Success

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Some days I amaze myself. Other days I put my keys in the fridge.
 – Anonymous

The ADHD Center for Success was founded in 2009 by Dr. Lori Rappaport and Dr. Lewis Ribner, licensed clinical psychologists who between them had over 50 years of experience helping, children, adolescents, adults and families overcome difficult challenges in their lives. Drs. Rappaport and Ribner combined their expertise to create the ADHD Center for Success as a way to provide expanded services to better meet the needs of individuals and families who are challenged with attention disorders. They co-directed the center until Dr. Ribner’s retirement in 2018.

As Director of the ADHD Center for Success, Dr. Rappaport has worked with hundreds of individuals and families affected by attention disorders and related emotional and behavioral issues. In addition to offering longstanding psychological services in the community, she provides presentations for professionals and non-professionals, has taught at the Graduate level, supervised training of other professionals, provided services in several Children’s Hospitals throughout the country and has taught numerous parenting workshops which have helped many parents develop effective parenting skills. Dr. Rappaport works closely with physicians and schools to provide education, assessment and treatment of attention related problems. Her close collaboration with other professionals allows her to provide individualized and comprehensive services, which lead to positive changes in people’s lives.


The ADHD Center is proud to have expanded its services to the states of Florida and Hawaii, and as of December 2024, to Colorado as well! 

to provide their unique and comprehensive assessments of ADHD for Children, Adolescents, and Adults.

We are not a “Quick Diagnosis” clinic. We have been established since 2009 and have helped hundreds of individuals and families understand and navigate the complexities of ADHD. Our reports are comprehensive and assist providers in the treatment of the individual and their family.

We are not a “Quick Diagnosis” clinic. We have been established since 2009 and have helped hundreds of individuals and families understand and navigate the complexities of ADHD. Our reports are comprehensive and assist providers in the treatment of the individual and their family.

Dr. Rappaport maintains a private psychotherapy practice in San Diego, CA in addition to directing the ADHD Center for Success. For more information on Dr. Lori Rappaport, please visit her website at: